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勤美璞真文化藝術基金會 / 裝置藝術 . 鑄鐵擺飾

I'm a mouse!
哪天,卸下一些保護色,大聲說出 I'm a mouse!

People see rats as repulsive, yet find squirrels adorable. We want to use this gap in perception to address the issue of stereotyping. The hideous rat masquerades as a squirrel to win acceptance and affection, but its eating habits and awkward disguise give away its true identity. The challenge for the audience is not to expose the deception, but instead to learn to accept differences. Let’s take off our disguises and shout “I am a mouse!”

生活起物  / 莊騏鴻 Chuang Chi-Hong  /  Taiwan
協辦單位:勤美 誠品綠園道

concept /

12年為紀,勤美集團自1972年開始至今走過4輪了!水鼠為始,亦為勤美之始,從鑄造起家的「勤美集團」,48年來不斷地開枝散葉,在追求人文美善跨域思考的精神下,持續以生活美學、環境永續及友善土地核心,傳遞社會企業回饋責任。「鑄」,象徵著勤美想給予好友們的祝福之意,以「鑄」為理念,利用回收鋼料製材落實循環經濟,並持續關懷環境外,更以「鑄」為原型,透過創意與回收再生鋼料的結合,回應台灣土地美好與生生不息。 2020年,「里山一二」公共藝術計畫正式開啟,在這金鼠之年,勤美集團化金屬(金鼠)來獻禮。

2020 Year of the Rat Friendship Figurines: Established in 1972, the year of the water rat, the CMP Group has now been operating for 48 years -- exactly four 12-year cycles of the Chinese Zodiac. Starting out as a metal casting business, the CMP Group has since relentlessly diversified while staying true to core values of beauty and humanity, a belief in the beauty in the everyday life, advocating for sustainability and eco-friendliness, and championing corporate and social responsibility. As a symbol of the CMP Group’s best wishes to good friends, this artwork cast from recycled steel is centered on the concepts of casting and environmental responsibility and exemplifies the circular economy, merges creativity and recycled materials, and presents a statement on Taiwan’s beauty and vitality.  

Client |  勤美璞真文化藝術基金會

Art Director | 莊騏鴻 Chihong Chuang
Project Manager | 莊琬渝 WanYu Chuang
Artist | 莊騏鴻 Chihong Chuang
Graphic . Package Design | 白偉奇 Wei Chi Pai

Design item  | Art . Product . Package 

勤美璞真文化藝術基金會 / 裝置藝術 . 鑄鐵擺飾

勤美璞真文化藝術基金會 / 裝置藝術 . 鑄鐵擺飾

